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Celebrity M.O.M Sasha Alexander

Celebrity M.O.M Sasha Alexander ~ A Better Planner Now That She Is A Mom

A talented and versatile actress in both film and television, Sasha Alexander is best known for her role as Special Agent Caitlin “Kate” Todd in the first two seasons of the popular drama NCIS. Alexander was also a regular on the critically acclaimed drama Dawson's Creek, as well as Presidio Med and The Nine. In addition, she has had guest-starring roles on such popular shows as Friends, House and Greg the Bunny.

On the big screen, Alexander recently completed the independent film Coming and Going as the romantic lead opposite Rhys Darby. She was also part of the all-star cast of the hit film He's Just Not That Into You and co-starred with Jim Carrey in the movie Yes Man.

Her current television role is that of Boston medical examiner Maura Isles on the new TNT series Rizzoli & Isles, which is returning Monday July 11, so set your DVRs or make a date to catch up with her on screen .

Being a mom of 2 (Lucia & Leonardo), Sasha is also balancing off screen motherhood and being (as her twitter bio states) an Actress & Producer, Mom, Dance enthusiast, French student, & cheese lover too.  We think this constitutes Sasha being a certifiable M.O.M!

Let's Meet Our M.O.M Sasha Alexander

photo courtesy of Eric Olsen

M.O.M Katie ~ Now that you are a mom of 5 year old daughter (Lucia) and infant son (Leonardo), was it hard to go back to work after having your kids? Did your career priorities change when you became a mom this time or the first time?

M.O.M Sasha ~It's always hard to leave my children to go to work. Especially when they are babies. But I'm grateful to be able to do what I love and that helps when the guilt sets in. I changed my priorities entirely after having Lucia. I didn't want to work on a Series where I was the lead shooting 11 months out of the year. I preferred films that had shorter shooting schedules or cable television so i could be close to home. I also got pickier about the subject matters. I wanted to choose projects that inspired me enough to be away from my children and that if they saw one day, I wouldn't be embarrassed of. 

M.O.M Katie ~ As a M.O.M we wear many ‘hats’, so how do you stay focused and driven? Are you a planner? a Scheduler? Or do you see what the day brings?

M.O.M Sasha ~I learned to be a better planner once I had my first child. It didn't come easy for me. I am a very spontaneous person and it's one of the joys of life for me to just be able to wing it at the last second. But with kids, that doesn't work so much. So I learned a lot from my girlfriends with kids about how to manage things. I asked a lot of questions, got different answers and applied the ones that worked for me. I am much more of a planner now and I've learned to find comfort in it. But I still like to keep Sundays as a free for all day, just in case something unplanned can happen.

M.O.M Katie ~ What have you found to be your biggest M.O.M struggle? Any advice for us M.O.M.s on how you handle it?

M.O.M Sasha ~Finding quiet time for myself. It's so hard between working long hours and then taking care of the family. I just do my best to do one thing for me every now and then and tell my family that it has to happen, or else, I won't be a happy mommy. Either dinner with a girlfriend, a massage, whatever I may need. I just work it into a time that I think Is best. Even an hour is enough sometimes!M

M.O.M Katie ~ Congrat’s on Rizzoli & Isles! It is such a great show and we love seeing you back on TV regularly. So,how does this role compare to your previous roles? What can we expect from Ms Maura Isles this season?

M.O.M Sasha ~I've had so many great roles, but Maura is so fun to play because she has such an unusual eccentricity and intelligence. She makes me laugh and I never know what to expect. Plus, she has the best wardrobe, so it's fun to get to dress up, of course! This season, we will meet lots of fun men in her life and get to meet her mother, played by the lovely Jacqueline Bisset. We will learn more about her upbringing and how it has made her who she is... 

M.O.M Katie ~ Do you want to share a favorite quote or M.O.M motto you live by? 

M.O.M Sasha ~It's only a phase. It too shall pass. :)



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