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Zap2it : Interview Angie Harmon

Angie Harmon rooting for Boston Bruins to go 'all the way' in Stanley Cup (by Jay Boobin)

Angie Harmon films "Rizzoli & Isles" in Los Angeles, but the show is set in Boston -- and that's where her heart is on the climactic day of the Stanley Cup Finals.

The Bruins are in Vancouver to face the Canucks in the seventh and final game of the NHL championship, which airs on NBC at 8 p.m. ET Wednesday (June 15). At that time, Harmon will be working on the TNT mystery series that teams her with Sasha Alexander and starts its second season Monday, July 11. She admits she'll find it hard to keep her mind off what's happening on the ice.

"Anything that has to do with Boston, that place has such a tender place in my heart," Harmon tells Zap2it. "I love that city, and the people there are just outstanding. I was there to do research for 'Rizzoli'; I went and hung out with the homicide unit and went to crime scenes and saw all the blood and the guts and the gore, and how they really deal with it.

"I met the police commissioner, I mean ... everything. That city just opened its arms up to me and welcomed me in such a wonderful and kind manner, I hope [the Bruins] go all the way. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to watch it, and I have no idea! I'm just going to sit on Twitter and say, 'Every living Boston person, let me know!' I hope they take it."



Ecrit par Totallyfan 
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